InControl Tools 98 shortcuts require a system reboot to take effect when running under Windows 98.
MiniGL drivers can be found in the \MiniGL directory on this CD.
Windows 95 (version 950, 950a)
If you are experiencing problems with the display properties pages which result in the pages closing as soon as the "Diamond 3D" page is selected please do the following:
1) Insert the Monster Fusion driver CD into your CDROM drive.
2) Copy the file "COMCTL32.DLL" from the X:\WIN9X\DRIVERS directory (where X: is your CDROM drive) to a temporary directory on your hard disk (example: C:\TEMP).
3) Select "Shutdown Windows" and choose "Restart in MS-DOS mode".
4) Go into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and create a backup of the file COMCTL32.DLL by using the RENAME command (example: "REN COMCTL32.DLL COMCTL32.OLD")
5) Copy the file "COMCTL32.DLL" from the temporary location on your hard disk to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
6) Type "EXIT" to restart Windows 95
This file must be copied in MS-DOS mode, or Windows will not allow the file to be overwritten.
InControl Tools 95 Users:
InControl Tools 95 shortcuts are not compatible with Windows 98 and InControl Tools 98. These short cuts must be removed prior to the installation of InControl Tools 98. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Refresh rates of 160Hz and 200Hz are not supported in this release.
Preparing to install the Windows 9x Driver
Before installing the Monster Fusion display drivers, switch your display
driver to the "Standard VGA".
1. Open your Control Panel and select Display.
2. Select the Settings tab and click the Change Display Type button.
3. Click the Change button.
4. Select the Show All Devices radio button and scroll to the top of the
left window and select Standard Display Types.
5. In the right window select Standard Display Adapter (VGA). Click OK.
Installing the Windows 9x Driver & InControl Tools 98
1. Run install.exe from the Install directory and the setup will guide you through the installation.